Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Nicaraguan Rundown from Corn Island

What is rundown? Originally from the Caribbean, this process takes coconut and produces coconut custard and oil by boiling the milk down. A full recipe is found:

on the website (accessed 11 Oct 2006).

Interestingly enough, this recipe is also used in many Nicaraguan dishes from the Atlantic Coast and can be mixed with breadfruit, meat, fish, and vegetables. Immigrants from African origin came to the country from the Caribbean when they were working on plantations and brought many tropical foods along with them.

Something I was not aware of is that many people from the Atlantic Coast may speak English and Creole and not a word of Spanish!...or very poor Spanish. Such is the cultural separation between the coast and the city. This separation is followed in politics and economics of the country.

Should the building of the interoceanic canal take place, I can imagine the coast receiving a much needed economic boost.

Palms Food: Nicaragua

Cajeta De Coco

2 cups condensed milk

1 cup fresh shredded coconut

1 cup butter or margarine

1/2 teaspoon vanilla


Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Keep mixing with a wooden spoon until you see the bottom of the pan while you mix. Form them into small balls and store them in a refrigerator--if you don't eat them all.