Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Angolan cholent of the week

A Brit, an American, an Angolan, and a multi-national mutt walk into a bar…ok, this time it was a restaurant, during lunchtime in Luanda. All in our 20s and 30s, the topic of discussion swiftly turned from weekend campsites on the beach to Lunda Norte. On the border with Zaire, the province hosts some of the country’s poorest, least educated, and most AIDS-affected communities. Just starting a program there is a challenge due to often-absent local administrators, lack of community organization (or interest to organize), and poor infrastructure. There always seems to be enough space and a lot of time to speak about this country…its highs, its lows, and its in betweens.

After two weekends of little sun (this weekend was my first encounter with the evil little bugs that hide in Angolan cuisine so I ignored outdoors), I have started losing my I-just-stepped-out-of-a-JLO-video look, and so we’re off camping once again…the coast is our oyster aka, haven’t decided where to go yet, but pictures to come.

Visa update: I still have not received the necessary papers indicating that my first 30-day extension has gone through which means no travel. And PS, I have started filing for my second extension. A little bummed, so Fabrice recommended I explore FIRST next time I’m in Angola. Yes, it’s getting to that time where I have begun thinking about crossing the pond again. By thinking I mean, once in a while I get flashes of winter in New York and have a moment of panic. Also, realized I lost (left) my phone in the 17-hour New York-Jo’burg South African Airways flight, so will be emailing you all for numbers soon…ugh, I loved that phone.

Favorite names of the week are:
Valdney, Vangrico, Mandavela, Chitanda…I mean, really. These are fantastic.

Kitchen Update: Almost, almost, almost there…but still missing the pipe that drains water and prevents my kitchen floor from flooding. Hmm…any engineers out there looking for work?

I made a belt out of twine today. It’s fantastic. Think I started a trend.