On our way to Pambala, a beach 2 hours from Luanda (north bound) where we picked veggies from a huge vegetable garden and where a wave almost stripped me of my surfer’s bikini, there’s this church and its garden.
Picture this: red dirt roads, live chickens waiting to be bought and killed, mega semi-trucks in mini semi-highways, women in pano grilling some sort of meat by the street, myriad of disorganized taxi vans (that somehow ARE, in fact, organized), and then all of a sudden , a patch of green, ACTUAL green grass. I blinked. My synapses had obviously malfunctioned and I had started to see…green. I felt like asking the four “ws” and one “h”: where, what, why, when, HOW??
Onto other news: I was offered a job at PubliVision, a media and advertising company here in Luanda, and I’ve accepted! The charge is “Executive Director” although it seems the work will most likely be manager of internal and external relations. The agency is young, craving dynamism, and working with the crème of the crème of Angolan brands. I start a week from today at which point, I will be killing myself working part-time for DW and part-time for PubliVision until my DW contract is over in September. Goody… So this means, dear friends, this little lady is staying in Angola for quite some more time. Visiting is now required.
PS. That’s me and a Mucua, a fruit. Yes, the mega rat-looking thing is a fruit. I made juice out of it.
bubu! haha! esa fruta si se ve como un raton gigante. ichs! ay naama....que placer leer todo. me encanta. me haces mucha falta.
Wow neat! This is a really great site! I am wondering if anyone else has come across something
similar in the past? Keep up the great work!
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